Product: Music VIdeo Distribution

Your song will be sent to the following platforms


Important Instructions before uploading video

Follow this carefully to avoid any delay and rejection in your video upload not following instruction will result in rejection without any refunds.

Acceptable video content
Graphic Overlays
Music videos must not contain chyrons, static or scrolling lyrics, or lower-third graphics.

Release Dates or Advertisements
Music videos must not contain release dates, logos, or advertisements.

Nonstandard Music Videos
Music videos that are artist interviews, commentaries, behind the scenes, or similar in content must be bundled with a music album and cannot be sold individually.

Promotional Still Image Videos
Promotional videos (such as videos displaying only the cover art and audio or slide shows) will not be accepted.

Teasers, Trailers and Partial Videos
Music videos which have been shortened or edited into a promotional teaser, trailer or partial version will not be accepted.

Music Video Quality
Music videos with poor quality (such as glitches, blurriness, incomplete video or audio, no audio, out of sync audio and video, and so on) will not be accepted.

Explicit Content
Music videos that contain explicit language, nudity, drug references, or depictions of drug use must be marked “Explicit.” Music Videos from Films. Music videos taken from musical films must contain a title version that refers to the film such as (From “Name of Film”).

Acceptable video specifications
HD Videos
  • Compression Type: H.264 (no Apple pro-res.!)
  • File Format: only .mp4
  • File Size: max 499 Mb (500 or more will be rejected)
  • Dimensions: 1920×1080 (preferred) or 1280×720
  • Frame Rate: Native (No less than 23.98)
  • Bit Rate: Unrestricted (Minimum 7500 kb/s, if necessary)
  • File must be de-Interlaced (Please, No Interlacing)
  • Multi-pass encoding is preferred, Single-pass encoding isn’t
  • Please export all encodes using Compressor or Quicktime. We cannot support editing program artifacts such as “edit lists” or “zero offsets” embedded in the files.
  • Do not use frame re-ordering in your encoding settings
  • Do not include front or end slates, title or end cards, etc. NOTE: You can add your label/artist logo at the end of your video, max. 3 sec.

  • Format: AAC
  • Channels: Stereo (L R)
  • Sample Rate: 44.100 kHz
  • Bit Rate: 320 kbps CBR

Thumbnail Requirement
Thumbnail should be a screenshot from the video and it should not have any text, graphics, logo, numbers, streaming app logos. It should just be a screenshot from the video

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